What should have been a beautiful proposal of marriage for Corey Flanagan atop the Hermosa Beach Pier turns deadly when the widow of the man Corey killed shows up with a loaded gun. The “delightfully deranged” (Chicago Book Review) Cecelia Jackson chases Corey across two thousand miles in a vengeance-fueled pursuit, driving her blue Chevy Malibu with her dead husband’s urn strapped into the passenger seat. Seeking escape and refuge in his native Midwest, Corey turns to those who provided him comfort in the past—his mother, Ginny; best friend, Billy; and former lover, Nick. All of them become ensnared in Cecelia’s maniacal quest, which brings the story full circle to the family cabin in Wisconsin for a climactic and deadly conclusion.
“a suspenseful, vivid, and evocative book … a heart-racing literary experience. 5 out of 5 stars”
Manhattan Book Review
"exceptionally well-written”
San Francisco Book Review
"an action-packed, fast-paced, and shock-filled story that is sure to both surprise and entertain.”
Chicago Book Review
“Destiny Springs jumps right in where Reckoning Waves left off … mimicking real life themes of family, romantic relationships, friendship, and justice.”
Los Angeles Book Review
“A man once happily in love is tragically sent on a cross-country chase for safety and revenge. The story is exciting, but what I loved most was being close to the intensity of his grief and anger as those who love him and those who don't come closer and closer to him and to each other.”
Sandra Scofield, The Last Draft: A Novelist's Guide to Revision.
“The narrator of Elliott Foster’s Destiny Springs pauses at times to describe how Corey Fischer, aka Corey Flanagan, a visual artist and the protagonist, attempts in his paintings to portray the emotional and psychological complexity of the people he is painting. Complexity is exactly what Foster, the writer, achieves in the representation of his characters. Through his beautiful writing, the reader experiences the emotions—passion, fear, guilt, love, etc.—that drive Corey, as well as many secondary characters. Even the antagonist, Cecilia, who, in the hands of another writer might be nothing but a villain, elicits the reader’s sympathy as she drives across country, from California to the woods of Wisconsin, talking to her dead husband, whose ashes are contained in the urn buckled into the passenger seat next to her and whose picture is taped to the dashboard of her car. Cecelia is a grieving widow seeking justice for what she perceives as the rape and murder of her husband, a compassionate mother, and a homophobe determined to kill Corey. And much more. The characters in this novel are complex, and their complexity is fascinating.” –Brian Duren, author of Ivory Black and the award-winning novel Whiteout.
“Buckle your emotional seat belt as once again author Elliot Foster takes you on a powerful and gripping page turning thriller of love, loss, vengeance, murder & redemption. The human spirit of each character is truly put to the test as secrets are revealed and past mistakes demand their reckoning. “Destiny Springs” is not only a place but ultimately like the water that flows from it ties all their fates and second chances together.”
Nicole Dupre Sobchack, actress, writer and co-founder of Wraptastic Productions
"It is fitting that Destiny Springs is the final entry in Elliott Foster's trilogy, because the book deftly tackles three separate themes. Foster has created a tightly-woven thriller, a compelling family drama, and a contemplative philosophical reflection on how our individual choices ripple outward. Foster's protagonist, Corey Flanagan is on the run from a homicidal widow intent on murdering him as her revenge for accidentally killing her husband. Corey can flee the murderous widow, but cannot escape his past, or his conscience. His description of the widow's tireless pursuit is perfectly paced, riveting, and deeply satisfying. While fleeing his past and an assassin, Corey uncovers dark secrets about his dead father, and gains true appreciation for the sacrifices made by his mother, the one constant in his life. Destiny Springs is a masterfully written, fast-paced and thought-provoking exploration of how sometimes everything we think we know is false."
Terrance Newby, author of Dangerfield's Promise.