In this heartwarming tale, Kai the Minnesota-born yellow Labrador retriever recounts how she and her two dads adopted her human brothers. With her unique canine voice, Kai narrates the arrival of Isaac in 1999, then Jason in 2002. Through her stories, Kai delivers a gift that will lead to both laughter and tears as you follow this dog’s amazing journey to create her own pack.




Kathleen Riley-Daniels, SEATTLE Pi

Retrieving Isaac and Jason by Elliot and Kenneth Fliés is an uplifting human adoption story "written" by the family dog Kai, in her native Labrador tongue. Like many dog tales, the story is translated into English, here by Elliot (known to Kai as "the writer") and his father, Kenneth (simply called "Gramps"). Elliot the writer lives in St. Paul, Minnesota with his partner, Randy ("the leader") and their two adopted sons Isaac and Jason. Gramps lives in Eagan, Minnesota with his wife Mille (a.k.a. "Granny").

The book uses a dog's voice to tell the story of love, commitment, international adoption, gay marriage, and parental love, and the father-son writing team avoids cuteness while encouraging readers to form their own packs. The book subtlely explores the challenges faced by gay couples looking to gain recognition as a family without making demands and with a huge dose of Minnesota nice. This approach will likely have readers falling in love with this non-traditional family as seen through the eyes of Kai, the yellow Labrador retriever.

Elliot Fliés grew up in a family that believed in adoption. His parents adopted his brother, Phun, from Cambodia in the 1970s. When Fliés and partner Randy began their journey through the adoption process in 1999, they discovered that Cambodia was one of only five countries in the world where male partners could adopt a child.

If you are seeking a touching story, Retrieving Isaac and Jason is an enjoyable recounting of the adoption adventures involved in retrieving Kai's human brothers, Isaac in 1999 and then Jason in 2002. Kai is devoted to her "pack" and delivers a tremendous gift of love through her words and stories. Readers laugh and cry as they follow Kai's wonderful journey to create her own pack. Proceeds from this book will go to The Sharing Foundation, a non-profit organization which empowers young lives in Southeast Asian orphanages.



from HUFFPOST.com


After my son's third birthday party, his best friend began to cry. When his mother asked him what was wrong, he said, "I want two dads just like Isaac has!" That was the first moment when I realized my family was unique.

After my son's third birthday party, his best friend began to cry. When his mother asked him what was wrong, he said, "I want two dads just like Isaac has!" He said he had so much fun at the party because there was always one dad to have fun with while another dad does the work.

That was the first moment when I realized my family was unique.

My partner Randy and I moved to Minnesota from California to be closer to our extended families. We have supportive, loving families, and we wanted to raise our families in America's heartland. Upon our return, Randy and I had intentions of adopting a child and building a family. I knew the nine-year foundation of our relationship would enable us to love, care for and have children.

I grew up with a family who believed in adoption. My parents adopted my brother, Phun, from Cambodia in the 1970s. So I was surprised when Randy and I started the adoption process and discovered that Cambodia was one of only five countries from which a male partner could adopt a child in 1999. I knew we would help a child from Cambodia.

My next step was to research adoption laws. Surprisingly, I discovered that no country outside the U.S. will permit a same-sex couple to adopt a child. As a result, we knew one of us would need to adopt as a single parent overseas and then apply for re-adoption in Minnesota.

We traveled to Cambodia and visited an orphanage in Cham Chou. The poverty was unreal, and the hope was inspiring. We knew our goal was to help a child who lost his mother by a tragic death. Isaac was a happy baby from the very first moment we held him. I don't think either Randy or I slept a wink that first night in our Phnom Penh hotel. We nervously watched our son's every breath as he slept and worried about how much or how often to offer him a bottle. Despite being college-educated, it took us several days to master the art of an efficient diaper change.

After we adopted our second son from Vietnam, international adoption laws changed. Cambodia closed its borders to international adoption, and Vietnam was soon to follow. In addition, there were rumblings questioning the validity of same-sex parenting.

Today we have tremendous love and support from our families. After 13 years in an "unconventional family," I never felt different. Now, popular culture is embracing same-sex adoption with television programs like Modern Family and The New Normal. I have the same hopes and dreams of other families: good health for my children, a strong education and a bright future.

I would not change a thing and often reflect on that 3-year-old's perspective from so many years ago. I doubt my sons' now-teenage friends would cry aloud anymore about not having two dads, but I know how lucky I am for the privilege of parenting two sons like Isaac and Jason.